创造未来: 的 Campaign for SKIDMORE

马克·C·奥巴马总统讲话. 康纳, Susan Gottlieb Beckerman '67 and Tom Wilmot '99



Just over seven years ago, Skidmore embarked on 创造我们的未来:火博体育的竞选 to provide for students and help them achieve lives of meaning and purpose, to capitalize on the College’s incredible momentum and to continue building resources for the future.

On behalf of Skidmore’s Board of Trustees, Nancy W. 汉密尔顿77年和W. 斯科特·麦格劳 P ' 12,原联合主席 创造未来 campaign, and members of the campaign’s Executive Committee, we are pleased to share 最后的结果. Together, we concluded this record-setting campaign on Dec. 31, 2020年,229美元.从27193名捐赠者那里筹集了400万美元. 这是规模最大的一次 in the College’s history by nearly $13 million and is a credit to everyone in the Skidmore community who joined together to ensure its success. 的se past seven years were marked by milestones, achievements and incredible acts 奉献和慷慨.

In publicly announcing the campaign in 2017, 总统 Emeritus Philip A. Glotzbach and Marie Glotzbach said, “Today, Skidmore is seizing this moment — this position 力量-发射 创造我们的未来:火博体育的竞选. This ambitious effort to raise $200 million will build on our reputation and provide the resources to ensure that creativity, collaboration and community flourish at the 火博体育所做一切的核心.”

Skidmore’s students and faculty have benefited from individual and collective support aimed at maintaining and strengthening academic programs and opportunities and responding to recent challenges, from an increased need for student financial aid to costs associated 大流行期间的教学和学习. 教职员工和学生都进行了示威 韧性、适应性和创造力. 我们知道他们感谢捐助者 支持Skidmore的持续成功. 的 创造未来 campaign is an important indicator of what our community can accomplish together 在未来的岁月里.

的 impressive resources raised through this campaign strengthen every aspect of the 火博体育. 的影响 创造未来 这一点在竞选的六个优先事项中显而易见:

  • 建设 综合科学中心(CIS), the College’s largest academic initiative in history. 独联体北翼开幕 in the fall of 2020, and the entire project is expected to be completed in 2024.
  • 通过增加运营资源 火博体育基金, which provides flexible, transformative and immediate support to help students pursue their studies and discover their passions while fueling campus operations.
  • 提供更多资源 奖学金和经济援助 to meet the growing needs of our students, with more than 40 new endowed funds established and other funding that supports more than 50 percent of Skidmore students.
  • 建立支持 体育,健康和保健 with funding for annual operations for all health and wellness opportunities, including our intercollegiate athletics program and the Valentine Boathouse.
  • Strengthening operating endowment to support innovative exhibitions and distinctive 编程 Frances Young 唐氏教学博物馆 and Art Gallery, while acquiring inspiring artworks and archives that expand teaching resources across 的学科.
  • 添加新 Career Development and Transformative Experiences for our students with nearly 800 career internship stipends, student research and other experiential opportunities that enhance post-graduation outcomes.

“This campaign brought our community together in important ways, and we couldn’t be more grateful for the support and engagement of alumni, parents, faculty and staff, foundations and other friends of the College who joined together in their support 火博体育和我们的学生,”南希W. 汉密尔顿77届,现任董事会主席 of Trustees and original co-chair of the campaign.

A record-setting number of individuals and organizations made gifts and commitments, volunteered their time and talents and attended events on campus, across the country 在世界各地,包括:

  • 27,193 individuals and organizations who made donations:
    • 4,265 alumni contributed their first gifts, including donors ranging from the Class of 1954 to 3,358 donors who gave through their senior class gift program
    • 16,457 donors - 61% - contributed gifts of less than $250
    • 2,510 总统s Society donors gifted 81% of all funds raised
    • 48 donors contributed gifts of $1 million or more
  • 6,336 alumni and parent volunteers who encouraged continued connection to Skidmore 金融参与
  • 48 volunteers from our faculty and staff who led the campus campaign that involved 689名现任和前任雇员及退休人员
  • 17,816 who attended on- and off-campus events during the campaign

Strengthening a creative, collaborative and community-centered future for Skidmore 一直都是核心 创造未来. Our commitment to this vision for the future remains steadfast. 这是令人难以置信的 important moment for our college because of what our entire community — past, present 和未来——使之成为可能. Going forward, our collective support will continue to keep Skidmore strong and true to its mission of delivering a life-changing education to our students and preparing them to thrive and lead lives of consequence after graduation.

谢谢你的帮助 创造未来 a resounding success and for your continued commitment to our students and faculty.


马克·C. 康纳

