


  • 宣布启动Skidmore, 2月. 17-19
  • 重要的COVID-19提醒
  • 周五前请回复冬季庆祝活动
  • 现在注册 员工健身课程,冬季校内活动



2月的. 17-19 workshop and competition — open to all Skidmore students from all majors — will enable participants to fine-tune their business pitches and develop a prototype for their own creative products and ideas.


正如一篇文章所强调的 电子邮件,星期三,1月. 25, masking indoors is not currently required on campus but remains strongly recommended at crowded events, 旅行时, or in other places where transmission may be more likely. If you have been exposed to COVID-19 or if you are symptomatic, 不参加集体聚会或活动. 如果出现症状,请戴上口罩进行检查. Free KN95 masks are available at the Case Information Desk.


学生 may continue to pick up free rapid tests at Case Information Desk or at Campus Safety. 检测呈阳性的学生必须通知 covidsupport@kadinuobeier.com.


员工 提醒大家 额外的 免费快速测试可通过 www.covid.gov /测试,还有 最有价值球员 包括快速检测的费用. 员工 in immediate need or concerned about exposure at work may pick up a test at Campus Safety or the Case Information Desk. 员工 谁的COVID-19检测呈阳性 应该提醒他们的主管和 人力资源. 


If you have not received your COVID booster or your flu shot, please consider doing so as soon as you are eligible. COVID-19 updates continue to be posted to Skidmore’s 校园规划网站 火博体育的 COVID-19仪表板.


Chocolate-covered strawberries for Valentine’s Day

电子邮件 约翰Winnek 要点牛奶巧克力, long-stem strawberries for Valentine’s Day ($10/half dozen). 订单 截止日期是2月11日(星期四. 9, 并且可以 早上九点半在Spa酒店接他.m. 到下午4点.m. 星期二,2月. 14.


请浏览 餐饮服务网站 的更新, Spa特价,以及其他资料.


Save the date: Breakfast with HR - Supervisor Roundtable

The first session of a Breakfast with HR - Supervisor Roundtable will take place from 9 to 10 a.m. 周二,1月. 31, 在巴雷特中心会议室. 主题是招聘和雇佣. 网上注册.


员工援助计划(EAP) 展示“重塑你的大脑”

Presented by an EAP counselor, the “Reclaim Your Brain” session from 10 a.m. 2月12日(星期四)中午. 2, on the second floor of Murray-Aikins Dining Hall is designed for individuals to focus on their brain health. 了解更多信息并在线注册.



人力资源 invites interested Skidmore employees to submit application materials for the openings listed below:

  • 讲师-化学
  • 生产经理-餐饮服务
  • Associate Director of Counseling and Inclusion – Counseling Center


申请,请访问 Okta门户. Click on the tile for “Oracle HCM,” then click “Me,” and then click on “Current Jobs."你可以访问目前的空缺职位 这里的外部申请者.



An updated schedule for the monthly staff meeting is available on the 人力资源网站. 下次会议是2月11日星期五. 3.


我们欢迎 提交 from faculty and staff related to professional accomplishments and scholarly endeavors.

约翰Anzalone, professor emeritus of French and media and film studies, 为丹佛公共图书馆制作了两部电影. Read more>>


保罗Arciero, professor of health and human physiological sciences, was interviewed on Australia's most popular radio station, 3AW. Read more>>


芭芭拉黑, professor of English, was an invited contributor to the new literary journal Gavialidae. Read more>>


Minita Sanghvi, associate professor of marketing, published an opinion piece in The Times of India. Read more>>

斯蒂芬·艾夫斯, associate professor of health and human physiological sciences, 贾斯汀DeBlauw, visiting assistant professor of health and human physiological sciences, published a research paper with several recent alumni and Abena Gyampo ’23.

Read more>>


埃文·麦克, senior teaching professor of music, was interviewed on WMHT TV's “AHA! 艺术之家.” Read more>>


Pushkala普拉萨德, professor of management, delivered an invited talk. Read more>>



Join Skidmore friends and colleagues from 6:30 to 11 p.m. 周五,2月. 10, for an evening of dining and dancing at Saratoga Springs City Center. There is no charge for Skidmore employees and retirees. 客人费是20美元. 在1月11日星期五之前在线回复. 27.



从冒险的灵魂爵士到独立摇滚, to time-honored classical and its contemporary interpretations, 赞克尔音乐中心 is set to deliver a series of exciting musical experiences this spring. 赛季在晚上7:30开始.m. 周六,2月. 11, 与爵士小号手黑田拓也和他的乐队一起. 火博体育社区成员的5美元是多少. 联系 Zhenelle勒贝尔 了解更多信息.



冬季校内课程现已开放报名. Varsity indoor soccer (M/W) and JV indoor soccer (T/TH) will start the week of 1月. 30. All teams are co-ed, you must have a Skidmore email address to register. 网上注册. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 伊丽莎白Ghilardi.



An open lecture demonstration with San Francisco-based company ODC/Dance will take place from 4 到5点.m. 星期天,1月. 29岁,在火博体育舞蹈剧院. The engagement is presented by the Skidmore Dance Department in collaboration with the UAlbany Performing Arts Center. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 莎拉素质.


新型电动汽车 即将推出的车站

Skidmore is installing nine new electric vehicle stations, bringing the campus total to 14. 能源定价为0美元.20/kWh will start when the new stations are online. 电子邮件 他拉起行拉绳 加入用户列表. 更多信息,请访问 可持续交通页面.



请 help reduce bulk emails by posting your announcement in the Bulletin. 提交 公告和活动, 学术讲座, 教职员工的成就 通过填写适当的在线表格. The deadline for all 提交 is noon on Monday. 请电子邮件 swb@kadinuobeier.com 如果你有问题.


红十字会将从上午10点开始献血.m. 到下午4:30.m. 周五,2月. 3、在IM/舞蹈馆. 网上注册 用火博体育作为赞助代码. 联系 米歇尔·霍布斯 了解更多信息.



学生 are invited to take part in the Tang art-loan program 室友:与唐艺同行. Twelve works of art returned by students now studying abroad will be available in a lottery at 6 p.m. 星期四,2月. 2. 学生必须提前注册 通过在 唐的网站. 联系 Kelsey Renko 了解更多信息.



Registration for employee fitness classes is now open. 2月11日星期一开课. 6点,在威廉姆森体育中心举行. 请 网上注册. 联系 莱西Largeteau 了解更多信息.



The 火博体育大学 club ice hockey team will play Union College at 5 p.m. 星期六,1月. 28, at the Messa Rink at Union College in the inaugural game of the 2022-23 season. 联系 朱利安明智 了解更多信息.



儿童之夜从晚上6:30到9:30开始.m. 星期五,1月. 27. The cost is $10 per child with no pre-registration necessary. 联系 罗恩Plourde 了解更多信息.



The SEFCU campus branch is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. 到5点.m. 这家分行每天下午1点15分到2点休息.m. 吃午饭. The ATM is available for withdrawals during lunchtime.



购买Mac电脑时,可获得一张价值25美元的礼品卡! 即日起至3月31日,购买a 苹果笔记本电脑火博体育商店, 除了教育定价, 你将收到一张25美元的礼品卡,可以在我们这里消费, 实体店或网上.


The 火博体育大学 men’s and women’s swimming and diving teams host the Skidmore Sprint Invitational at 1 p.m. 星期六, 1月. 28. The Thoroughbreds will compete with Bard, Western New England, Vassar, Mount Holyoke. It will be the final home meet and final regular-season meet for Skidmore. The Thoroughbreds head to the Liberty League Championships Feb. 在伊萨卡学院15-18岁. 欲知详情,请浏览 火博体育体育网站.


星期天,1月. 29

2 p.m.




周二,1月. 31

6 p.m.

MDOCS: Screening and Panel Discussion: ‘Love in the Time of Fentanyl’



周六,2月. 4

3 p.m.

MDOCS: Screening and Panel Discussion: ‘Love in the Time of Fentanyl’





