News 和 announcements from Skidmore College


Weekly Highlights

  • ‌Watch as student teams kick off the 第39届F年会. 威廉·哈德讲座和竞争建立一个火博体育主题的乐高展示,周四和周五 
  • ‌Registration for Skidmore Summer Sports Camps opens Friday
  • 男子冰球队在新英格兰冰球锦标赛中对阵霍巴特


Image of Lucy Scribner Library, taken from its eastern side.

火博体育学院已经赢得了作为富布赖特美国顶尖学府的荣誉.S. scholars in 2023-24, 证明了学院对火博体育、全球参与和理解的坚定承诺.

Image of Lucy Scribner Library, taken from its eastern side.




2024年夏季,招聘火博体育学生的流程将发生变化. Please carefully review 这个网站 for important details, dates, instructions. 人力资源部负责管理夏季的所有招聘需求,包括对火博体育学生的招聘. 程序将在3月的第一周实施. 请联系 吉姆·卡尔霍恩 with any questions.



  • ‌Breakfast with HR supervisor roundtable, 9 to 10 a.m. 星期四,2月. 29 ‌ 
  • ‌Retirement Planning Workshop, 5 to 7 p.m. 3月1日2-14 (Zoom) ‌


欲了解更多信息,包括注册详情和完整的机会列表,请访问 Professional Development 和 Training website.


Position openings 

  • ‌Campus Safety Officer – Campus Safety 

‌To apply, please access the Okta门户. 点击“Oracle HCM”,点击“我”,然后点击“当前工作”.” You can access current open positions for external applicants here.


餐饮服务 is again selling its famous homemade bread. Use your Skidmore credentials to 网上订购 by Friday, 3月1日, for pickup on Friday, March 8. 

‌Please visit the 餐饮服务 website regularly for updates, Spa特价, hours of operation, other information.

Faculty-Staff Achievements 

Yelena Biberman-OcakliChristopher Mann他在学术期刊上发表了一篇论文.

鲁本卡斯蒂略, assistant professor of studio art, will deliver a lecture at the University of California, 加州大学伯克利分校. Read more>> 

Joseph Cermatori他在一个在线论坛上讨论了他的新书.



翻转菲利普斯, professor emeritus, received an award.

杰夫Segrave健康和人体生理科学教授在一本书中发表了一章. Read more>>


Save the dates: Frederick Lawrence residency in March ‌

‌Skidmore is excited to welcome Frederick Lawrence, secretary 和 CEO of the Phi Beta Kappa Society, 于3月19日至21日到校园进行为期三天的火博体育言论自由的驻留, 表达式, academic freedom, related issues. 会议, 讨论, workshops are planned, 更多的细节和参与机会将很快分享. 他的访问促进了支持言论和表达的社区对话, 这是今年火博体育战略行动议程的战略目标吗. ‌

‌March staff 和 教师会议s 

每月的教职工会议将于本周五举行, 3月1日, on the second floor of Murray-Aikins Dining Hall. 的 员工会议 will be held from 1 to 2 p.m. 和 教师会议 will take place at 3:30 p.m. Employees have the option to participate by Zoom.

‌Update on College budget

‌President Marc Conner, 财务和行政副总裁兼司库Daniel Konstalid, 和其他学院管理人员将在下午3:30至4:30介绍学院的预算信息.m. 星期三,3月6日,在Murray-Aikins餐厅二楼. 所有教职员工都被邀请亲自或通过Zoom参加. 演讲将包括火博体育2024-25财政年度的预算和学院的财务状况和前景的其他关键要素的信息, as well as ample opportunities for questions 和 feedback. 

‌‘Supercharge Creativity with Constraints’ 

•乐高集团美洲地区总裁斯基普•柯达(Skip Kodak)将负责该项目 第39届F年会. William Harder Lecture in Business Administration 下午五点半.m. on Wednesday, March 6, in Gannett Auditorium.

‌LEGO building challenge 

来加入这个有趣的活动吧,看看学生团队在公园里建造一个以火博体育为主题的展示 LEGO Masters-style competition2月. 29 - 3月1日, in Case Center 和 Case Gallery. Judging will commence in Case Gallery at noon on 3月1日. 


总统办公室邀请社区成员提名有资格获得2024年奖项的个人或团队 President's Leadership 和 Service Award. 学生, 教员, 免除员工, non-免除员工, 或者可以提名工会人员(不考虑自我提名). 请检查您的电子邮件提名表格,这是在2月11日发送的. 16 from the Office of the President. To nominate a person or team, please complete the form 和 submit it via email or campus mail to the Office of the President by 4 p.m. Monday, 3月1日8.

President’s office hours ‌ ‌ ‌

‌President Conner will hold office hours from 3 to 4 p.m. Thursday, April 4. 所有的教师,工作人员和学生被邀请要求10分钟,面对面的约会. To register, please email Requests will be h和led in the order that they are received.

‌Exploremore: Majors 和 Minors ‌ ‌

‌Exploremore 致力于帮助一年级学生和二年级学生探索潜在的专业/辅修专业和其他学术兴趣领域. This year’s event will run through Friday, 3月1日. 

‌Student Leadership Award nominations 

火博体育社区被邀请提名对社区做出杰出贡献的学生 Student Leadership Awards. 的 deadline is 4 p.m. Monday, 3月1日8. For more information, contact


‌Registration for Skidmore Summer Sports Camps

Summer Sports Camps, led by Skidmore’s award-winning coaches, teach teamwork concepts 和 skills in baseball, 篮球, 曲棍球, 冰上曲棍球, 长曲棍球, 划船, 足球, 游泳, 排球, 和垒球. Registration opens 3月1日. For more information, contact Coleen Stephenson


火博体育游泳和跳水队每周四为4岁及以上的儿童开设游泳课, beginning March 28. 报名将于下午5:30至6:30在威廉姆森体育中心大厅进行.m. on Thursday, March 7. Email Head Coach 吉尔另一则 for complete program information. 

‌Skidmore Weekly Bulletin submission procedure 和 schedule 

请通过在Skidmore每周公告中发布您的公告来帮助减少大量电子邮件, which is distributed to all students 和 employees. 提交 announcements 和 events, academic lectures, faculty-staff achievements by completing the appropriate online form. 的 deadline for all submissions is noon on Monday. 请电子邮件 if you have questions. 

‌Apple discounts at 火博体育商店 

火博体育商店 有一个 16-inch Mac Book Pro available at a discounted rate. 对这款机型或任何其他苹果产品感兴趣的人请联系 凯伦·诺尔, 518-580-549.


男子冰球队将于周六晚上7点前往日内瓦,在新英格兰曲棍球大会的冠军赛中对阵卫冕冠军霍巴特学院.m. 火博体育(19-6-2)在全国排名第九后,击败埃尔米拉学院在NEHC半决赛前,站在只有房间的人群在萨拉托加城市溜冰场2月11日. 24. Hobart is 24-2-1, including a pair of wins over Skidmore. 的 Statesmen have won 35 straight home games, the last loss coming at the h和s of the Thoroughbreds, 3-2, in the 2022 NEHC semifinals. 火博体育将在三个赛季中第二次参加冠军赛. 男子长曲棍球队将在周六中午迎战奥斯威戈州立大学. 女子网球队将在下午2点迎战巴克内尔大学.m. 和 welcome Amherst College for a 1 p.m. 匹配. For more information, visit the Skidmore Athletics website.


星期三,2月. 28 

‌5:30 p.m. 

‌Perlow Series: Artist’s Talk — “Art 和 Sacred” 

‌Payne Room, Tang Teaching Museum 

星期四,2月. 29 

‌12:30 p.m. 

‌Yvette Molina: Love Notes for Everyone 

‌Tang Teaching Museum‌

‌周四,2月. 29 

‌6 p.m. 

David H‌. 波特经典世界讲座:“西塞罗与当地应用” 

‌Davis Auditorium, Palamountain Hall 

‌周四,2月. 29 

‌6 p.m. 

‌Loretta Ross: “A Black Woman Speaks” 

‌Helen Filene Ladd Concert Hall

‌Friday, 3月1日 

‌1-3 p.m. 


‌Payne Room, Tang Teaching Museum 

‌Friday, 3月1日 

‌7:30 p.m. 

‌Sphinx Virtuosi

‌Helen Filene Ladd Concert Hall 

‌Saturday, March 2 

‌2 p.m. 

‌Family Saturday: Narrative Flags 

‌Tang Teaching Museum 

‌Saturday, March 2 

‌3:30 和 4:15 p.m. 

‌"Save Your Apologies Until 的 End" 

‌Tang Teaching Museum

‌Sunday, March 3 

‌2 p.m. 

Tang Guide Tour with Annabel Gould ’26 

‌Tang Teaching Museum 

‌Monday, March 4 

‌5:30 p.m. 

‌Malloy Lecture: Nina Katchadourian 

‌Zankel Concert Hall 

‌Tuesday, March 5 

‌6 p.m. 

Whole Grain: "的 Passion of Remembrance" (1986) 

‌Tang Teaching Museum 

‌Tuesday, March 5 

‌7 p.m. 

‌Skidmore in Concert: Orchestra

‌Helen Filene Ladd Concert Hall

‌Through March 5

‌Skidmore Student Exhibition

‌Schick Art Gallery  


‌Friday, 3月1日, through March 6 

‌2 p.m. (open captions March 3) 

‌“的 Winter Guard Play” 

‌JKB Black Box 的ater 

‌Thursday, March 7 

‌5:30 p.m. 


‌Gannett Auditorium, Palamountain Hall

Skidmore College

 815 North Broadway

 Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
