News and announcements from Skidmore College


Weekly Highlights

News: 火博体育的机会计划获得资助,更难的演讲重述

Human Resources: 圣罗斯学院招聘会,与人力资源主管圆桌共进早餐

Announcements: Frederick Lawrence ‌‌lecture and residency, President’s Awards, Student Leadership Awards, ‘Die Fledermaus,’ spring intramurals

Upcoming Events: Moseley Lecture by Giuseppe Faustini, visible mending workshop, Whole Grain: 'Unshielded,《邓克利与伊薇特·莫利纳和亚当·丁克尔的对话, 讲座:“这也是你的歌:钓鱼和当代犹太人身份”

Skidmore News



乐高集团美洲业务地区总裁斯基普·柯达(Skip Kodak)在第39届年度F. William Harder Lecture.

Skip Kodak, 乐高集团美洲地区总裁, 在第39届年度F. William Harder Lecture.

Human Resources

College of Saint Rose job fair 

作为对圣罗斯学院关闭的回应, 火博体育将在下午1点到4点组织一场独家招聘会.m. 周二和周三,3月26日至27日,在麦迪逊大道1002号Massry艺术中心., Albany. 招聘经理将有机会会见并面试圣罗斯各部门的员工, faculty, students, and alums. 有意者请联系 Jude Klein by Friday, March 22.


  • 与人力资源主管圆桌会议共进早餐(“绩效教练”),上午9-10点.m. Thursday, March 14


欲了解更多信息,包括注册详情和完整的机会列表,请访问 专业发展及培训网站.

Position openings

‌Human Resources 诚邀感兴趣的Skidmore员工提交以下职位申请材料:  

  • 体育营销和传播助理总监-传播和营销

‌To apply, please access the Okta portal. 点击“Oracle HCM”,点击“我”,然后点击“当前工作”.” You can access current open positions for external applicants here.


Save the dates: Frederick Lawrence ‌‌lecture 

Frederick Lawrence他是美国优等生协会(Phi Beta Kappa Society)的秘书兼首席执行官,也是言论自由方面的专家 public lecture,“挑战时代的校园言论自由”,下午5点.m. 3月20日,周三,在甘尼特礼堂,作为他的 March 19-21 residency 火博体育言论自由、表达自由、学术自由及相关问题.

President’s office hours ‌ ‌ ‌

•康纳总统的办公时间为下午3点至4点.m. Thursday, April 4. 所有的教师,工作人员和学生被邀请要求10分钟,面对面的约会. To register, please email 请求将按照收到请求的顺序处理.


总统办公室邀请社区成员提名有资格获得2024年奖项的个人或团队 President's Leadership and Service Award. Students, faculty members, exempt staff, non-exempt staff, 或者可以提名工会人员(不考虑自我提名). To nominate a person or team, please complete this form and submit it via email 或校园邮件在下午4点前送到校长办公室.m. Monday, March 25.

‌Student Leadership Award nominations ‌

火博体育社区被邀请提名对社区做出杰出贡献的学生 Student Leadership Awards. The deadline is 4 p.m. Monday, March 18. For more information, contact


‌Friends of Skidmore Athletics 正在寻找对火博体育体育和学院做出杰出贡献的个人,以入选火博体育体育名人堂. Please submit your nomination online no later than Sunday, March 31.


‌Applications for the 2024年火博体育公共政策奖大赛 are due at 5 p.m. on Friday, April 12. 比赛提供了一个机会,让学生就重要的公共政策问题进行写信和基层运动.


‌Sustainable landscapes at Skidmore

‌The Sustainability Office has shared the Sustainable Landscape Plan, 旨在发展和推进雨水管理和可持续景观的目标 Campus Master Plan and the Campus Sustainability Plan. 该计划将作为设计和管理促进绿色基础设施项目的工作指南, native and diverse landscapes, 加强户外教育和娱乐空间的利用.


火博体育的音乐剧歌剧工作室和斯克内克塔迪-萨拉托加交响乐团将在下午3点演奏约翰·施特劳斯的《火博体育》.m. 3月17日,周日,在赞克尔音乐中心. Jessica Byers ’24, Maggie Besthoff ’24, Johnny Mulcahy ’24, Naomi Wagner ’26, Ben Harris ’27, and Ava Accorsi ’27, and faculty members Sylvia Stoner ’94, Casey Gray, and Andrew Burger, will perform. Tickets are available for $10 with the promo code ZANKEL.

‌Spring Intramurals 

春季(3月25日至4月30日)的校内注册对所有火博体育教师开放, staff, and students. Register by Thursday, March 21. Contact Elizabeth Ghilardi with questions.

‌Dining Services 

‌Please visit the Dining Services website regularly for updates, Spa Specials, hours of operation, and other information.

‌Win a Skidmore Shop gift card 

‌To celebrate the first day of spring, 给一个幸运的赢家送一张价值25美元的礼品卡吗. To enter, follow @theskidmoreshop on Facebook and Instagram or subscribe to our email newsletter. 然后,评论一下你最喜欢的新产品,并在早上9点之前给朋友加个标签.m. on March 19.


请通过在Skidmore每周公告中发布您的公告来帮助减少大量电子邮件, 分发给所有学生和员工. Submit announcements and events, academic lectures, and faculty-staff achievements by completing the appropriate online form. 所有提交的截止日期是周一中午. Please email if you have questions.


Through Sunday, March 17 ‌

‌Spring break 

‌Sunday, March 17 

‌2 p.m. 

Tang Guide Tour with Anne Lowenthal 

‌Tang Teaching Museum 

‌‌Monday, March 18 

‌6 p.m. 

Whole Grain: 'Unshielded' 

‌Tang Teaching Museum

‌Tuesday, March 19 

‌6 p.m. 

Visible mending workshop (registration required

‌Tang Teaching Museum

Thursday, March 21 

‌7 p.m. 


‌Tang Teaching Museum 

‌Monday, March 25 

‌5:30 p.m. 

‌Edwin M. 莫斯利学院讲座(朱塞佩·福斯蒂尼):“微笑的书页:想象但丁的神曲”

‌Gannett Auditorium 

‌Tuesday, March 26 

‌7:30 p.m. 


‌Emerson Auditorium

Questions about Bulletin?


Skidmore College

 815 North Broadway

 Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
