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咨询中心 Core Principles

我们相信 these principles are at the heart of every effective clinical interaction. Individually and collectively, we strive to make sure that we adhere to these principles. They shape our interventions as clinicians, our interactions as colleagues and our liaison, consultation and outreach to the larger 火博体育大学 Community.


Students who come to the 咨询中心 are typically in some kind of emotional pain, distress or confusion. We strive to provide an empathic, nonjudgmental environment where we listen to students carefully and without preconceptions and where students will feel heard and validated.


Effective mental health interventions always involve good collaboration between clinicians 和客户. We strive to insure that our clients are equal participants in their 治疗, that they understand their treatment plan and that the relationships between students and 咨询中心 staff are open and respectful. We also strive to maintain effective teamwork within the 咨询中心 and to collaborate effectively across campus with other student services, with faculty and with parents.


As clinicians, we take our responsibility to provide expert care seriously. 我们把 responsibility for our continued growth as professionals. We are open about our professional credentials and training and we use consultation services as needed and appropriate.

Respect for Autonomy

We respect that the students coming to the 咨询中心 are emerging adults, who are taking responsibility for seeking help to solve their problems. 我们相信 that treatment is there to help students provide their own answers and solutions to their questions and problems. We encourage students to work with us to meet their goals and to assume responsibility for their current lives and future direction.

Sensitivity to Difference

We understand, appreciate and celebrate the differences that exist between individuals 在火博体育. We are committed to insuring that the 咨询中心 is a welcoming and safe space for all.


Our staff recognizes the importance of privacy and safety as the basis of effective 治疗. 我们把 student confidentiality very seriously. We do not share information about students seeking help at the 咨询中心 with anyone without written permission. Exceptions to confidentiality are rare and specifically mandated by law and professional 道德. We make sure to review confidentiality during our first contacts with all students and are available to answer any questions about confidentiality as they may arise in the course of treatment.