


潘菲尔德麦克莱伦Many students do not have experience sharing their personal spaces with others. 这是 important to have honest conversations and set boundaries with roommates in order 确保每个人都有最好的体验.

Many students report that living with others is a rewarding and valuable experience. Sharing a room can feel unfamliar, but can help students meet others, feel connected, and gain valuable skills like communication, mediation, and empathy.

To prepare for living with someone, we always suggest that students consider what they are looking from in an roommate - do they want to be friends or just acquaintances? Neither is wrong, but expectations can play a big role in fostering healthy relationships.

Students should also be prepared to be honest with one another. 如果一个学生感到沮丧 with the way their roommate keeps the room, they cannot expect them to know that without 沟通. Early and frequent communication is key to successful roommate relationships. Students who can talk about how something affects them, are more likely to have successful 人际关系.

Reaching out to roommates can present a great opportunity to get to know one another, 但不要根据潜在室友的Facebook资料来判断他们. 这不仅不公平, 它也可能是不准确的. 夏天的时候互相检查一下 who is bringing what to the room, and get to know each other a bit before you even 到达校园!

If you struggle with your relationship with your roommate, you will always have someone 你可以向. 你所在楼层的住宿助理(RA)是一位训练有素的同行 leader who can help you navigate all of the strategies above and will have plenty 和你分享的建议! 所有区域协调员都向区域协调员(AC)报告 professional staff member within the 住宿生活处. ac也在这里 帮助!


豪大厅Living in a residence hall, you will be a member of a larger 楼社区. 这些 communities offer an excellent opportunity to get to know others and thrive. 我们甚至 offer Special Interest Communities w在这里 you can explore topics or lifetsyles.

生活在社区里是一个令人满意的机会. 你会惊讶于有多少 people you meet, and the many ways in which you will interact with others on your 地板上. 这些 relationships may even carry on throughout your college career as you 搬到其他楼去! 

To make the most of this experience, it is important to positively contribute to your 楼社区. Many of the things you are used to doing in your home may not be 适合在学生宿舍,那里你有亲密的邻居. 例如,居住 halls have Quiet Hours so that all students can enjoy some quiet time in the evenings. We also do not permit amplifiers or musical instruments in the halls. 这是因为 we find that the noise produced is disruptive to students who are attempting to study, 睡觉,或者放松. 

While many pursuits may not seem negative or disruptive, it is important to consider 当你住在一个社区时,你的邻居. 我们相信你们之间的关系 with those around you will far outweigh any difficulties presented by limiting your 噪音水平. And remember, if you're having trouble with the noise around you, you 你是否可以随时联系到宿舍管理员来帮助你!


麦克莱伦大厅Part of living in a community is ensuring that everyone feels welcome and safe. In order to establish these communities, we hold residents to high behavioral standards.  

As a member of a community, we hope that you will engage in behavior that is thoughtful 和适当的. We expect students to be positively engaging with those around them, and to be supporting their peers in their academic, social, and personal pursuits. 

College is a time of learning, and not just inside of the classrooms. 住宅 halls are spaces w在这里 students learn about the wider impacts of their behaviors. 当 sharing communal spaces it is important to consider the ramifications of your own behavior - such as throwing out trash, contributing to the cleaning of shared spaces, 避免参与违反政策的行为. 

Something as simple as leaving your trash in the shared bathroom can negatively impact 和你同住一个套房的人. 我们经常和学生讨论小的行动如何能 have larger repercussions when you are a member of a community. 

In communities w在这里 residents are intentional about their behavior, students often 报告感受一种包容的欢迎感. 学生们报告说,回到他们的 residence hall to be greeted by neighbors or suitemates can help contribute to a sense of belonging and that Skidmore becomes their home away from home. 


校园里的石头If adjusting to community life is hard, reach out to a Resident Assistant! 有 one RA on every 地板上 帮助 residents transition to college life. 他们举办项目 并帮助学生解决任何可能出现的问题. 

T在这里 are many resources available to you on Skidmore's campus. 就在你的内心 楼社区, t在这里 is at least one Resident Assistant ready to assist you with 任何可能出现的问题. RAs can assist students with conflicts that arise, navigating class registration, or even celebrating a great accomplishment!

Outside of the 楼社区 t在这里 are also your Area Coordinators who oversee the 居住生活中的建筑和工作. 这些专业的工作人员在那里 帮助 with any issues that may come up and are only an email away. 看看他们的 员工档案 在这里.

Beyond 住宅生活, t在这里 are many offices on campus that offer specific supports, such as Student Academic Services, Health Promotion, Counseling Center, and many more. RAs are well versed in the resources on campus and should be able to make referrals 根据需要!