

的 accommodations discussed below represent those that are most commonly requested 由学生提出,由火博体育学院实施. 再次强调,这一点很重要 identifying necessary accommodations is an individualized process; therefore students 是否可以批准以下未描述的住宿或调整. 学生 必须记住,提供个性化住宿的过程包括 与协调人员就工作的有效性保持开放的沟通 批准的住宿.

测试 | 替代格式的文本 | 补充笔记

课程替换 | 全职状态


的 coordinator of student access services often approves student requests for one 或更多的各种测试住宿. 这样的调整是为了提供 alternative testing arrangements to students whose disabilities impair their capacity to fully demonstrate understanding of subject matter on examinations that are provided in certain formats, during standard allotted time constraints, or in traditional classroom 环境. 替代测试住宿的目的是提供平等 opportunity for students to demonstrate achievement and mastery of course material 作为非残疾学生. 必要时,协调学生访问服务 will consult with faculty to ensure that the implementation of specific accommodations do not result in lowering the standards of a course or the objectives of an academic 程序. 典型的测试住宿可能包括,但不限于,这些 下面所列.

  • 延长时间: 在大多数情况下,延长的时间相当于一倍半,但两倍或更多 是否可以提供给有较大障碍的学生. 计算测试时间 based on the amount of time faculty members plan for and expect non-disabled students 需要完成考试吗. 在大多数测试情况下,提供额外的 time will entail an extension of a usual class period, while in others, such as for 在标准课程期间,可能会提供测验和延长时间. 在任何 circumstances will unlimited time be approved and, for some students, extended test 时间可能只适用于特定科目和/或测试形式.
  • Distraction-reduced位置: This is a location where external distractions such as noise or visual stimuli are 最小化. 虽然没有一个空间是完全不让人分心的,但学生们将会被期待 to work in cooperation with Skidmore faculty and the coordinator of student access services to identify a space with a faculty member or to reserve a seat and time in SAS试验室. 使用SAS考场的学生请注意 必须至少提前5天预订吗.
  • 使用笔记本电脑进行测试: 使用文字处理机是为了尽量减少书面表达的影响 影响精细运动控制的障碍或残疾. 住宿条件 允许学生独立完成论文考试.
  • 交替格式: 这可能包括大字体、盲文或音频文件. 通常需要提前准备时间 为了实现这种住宿,符合条件的学生必须通知教师和学生 the coordinator of student access services of their intent to implement this accommodation 至少在预定考试前三天.

的 coordinator of student access services and Skidmore faculty cooperate to provide 根据学生的特殊需要和资格,为他们提供替代考试服务. Faculty members often coordinate extended test time and testing in a distraction reduced 在教室和/或学术部门的位置. 在适当的时候, 协调者将配合试题的执行,方便阅卷、抄写、使用 文字处理器和/或转换格式.

学生 may, at any time during their education, request additional accommodations 超出协调员初步审查期间批准的. 学生必须提交 所有补充请求直接提交协调员考虑. 调整 made by individual faculty members that are not included on a student's accommodation 信函不适用于任何其他课程或考试情况. 学生应该 aware that accommodations may not be requested during an exam period and may not be 追加. 例如,如果学生没有通知教员 of their intent to implement extended test time and subsequently is unable to complete and exam in the standard allotment of time, they may not be provided with additional 考试时间或重考能力.


学生 with visual impairments, learning disabilities or physical disabilities that significantly diminish their capacity to read standard print may be eligible to receive 另一种格式的教科书. 所有新生和在读学生必须提交他们的 required reading list to the coordinator of student access services prior to the start 每学期的. 不能从其他来源获得电子格式的图书可以 在校园内转换为电子格式.


有笔记服务住宿的学生:学生访问的协调员 services and Skidmore faculty will assist in identifying and hiring qualified students 谁将为符合条件的学生提供每门适用课程的补充笔记. Note-takers and students are responsible to coordinate the method by which notes are copied and are encouraged to use carbon notebooks or the office of Student Academic 影印笔记服务(SAS). 作为记笔记的学生将会 根据他们在相应课程上的时间长短支付报酬.


学生 with Note taking Assistance accommodation: Qualified students will be given 这是一个为录音和记笔记而开发的软件程序 支持. 学生必须通知导师并获得导师的批准 在实施住宿之前. 为了保护的机密性 other students or the intellectual property of faculty, recording of class lectures 有时可能会被拒绝或限制在课堂的特定部分. In the event faculty restrict the recording of class sessions, alternative accommodations, 如补充笔记,将提供.


目标是为残疾学生提供平等的学术机会 程序 may entail the provision of course substitutions as long as the substitution 是否会降低学位课程的标准或完整性. 课程替换 occur only under extraordinary circumstances and must be reviewed by the coordinator of student access services who, if appropriate, will forward a proposal to the Committee 以供考虑的学术地位. 课程替换将被评估 具体情况具体分析,学生必须遵循单独的申请流程. 的 coordinator of student access services will help guide students through this process. 学生 who believe they may be eligible for this accommodation should discuss their 在他们的学术生涯中尽可能早地与协调员沟通.


残疾学生,他们的缺陷严重限制了他们的能力 manage a full-time course load (12 or more credits) may be accommodated by receiving 全日制课程,减少课程负担. 这些请求将在 根据明确和令人信服的证据表明,由于残疾的影响,它 学生管理全日制课程安排是否不合理. 请求 for this accommodation will be considered on a semester-by-semester basis and students 必须在不迟于 每学期开学前两周.

学生 on a reduced course load will be considered a full-time student in all other respects, and therefore will receive all benefits Skidmore offers to full-time students, 包括住房. 这对于想要减少课程负担的学生来说非常重要 to understand the full financial and educational impact of this accommodation, and 在实施住宿之前,学生应该:

  • consult with the Financial 援助 Office regarding how a reduced course load will impact 联邦和州财政援助补助金的数额和用途;
  • discuss the implications of a reduced load on their overall educational goals with their academic advisor and/or the coordinator of student access services; and
  • 与金融服务部门协商住宿将如何影响他们的收入 对学院的经济义务.

In the event that a student approved for a reduced course load is required to verify full-time status to a third party, such as a health insurance company, a request for 应向协调员提交一份证明信. 一般来说,协调者 will send a letter to the appropriate party explaining the student maintains full-time status on a reduced course load as an accommodation to mitigate the barriers presented 因为残疾. 重要的是学生要注意,决定要坚持 减免课程负担的全日制学生的第三方福利 这完全取决于第三方. 火博体育的任务就是证明我们是 为学生提供全日制学习资格. 在大多数情况下,我们决定全职 status results in the preservation of third-party benefits, but Skidmore is not responsible 为了保证这个结果.