
Student Research Opportunities

One of the best ways to learn chemistry and biochemistry is to immerse yourself in the actual scientific process. Studies have shown research opportunities as an undergraduate are high impact learning experiences.  The critical thinking, organizational, and communication skills you will develop doing research will benefit you no matter the career you pursue after graduating Skidmore.  Research 可以 here at Skidmore with 一名教员.  It can also be off-campus through an 活的经验 或者一个 实习.

Research Opportunities at Skidmore

You can learn more about each Chemistry research group by reading the 网页s and introduction videos linked below.

K. 水母球 Computational Biophysics 网页
金伯利弗雷德里克 分析 网页
史蒂文·弗雷 无机 网页
威廉·肯纳 计算量子 网页
胡安Navea Physical and Atmospheric 网页
Madushi Raththagala 生物化学 网页
Maryuri罗卡 纳米化学方面的 网页
谢泼德凯利 生物化学 网页







Most students who major in chemistry or chemistry with a biochemistry concentration conduct at least one semester of capstone research in close collaboration with a member 化学系的老师. Research activities in the department are supported by both internal and external grants, and lead to publications in peer-reviewed science journals and presentations at local and national meetings. While conducting their research, students have direct access to all of the state-of-the-art equipment in the department.  

Each Fall, the Department hosts a seminar and laboratory open house so you can learn 更多火博体育 research opportunities available.  We also highly encourage you to meet with individual faculty to discuss their research.  To apply for research please fill out the form and turn it into the Chemistry Office 在达纳222.  

During the academic year, you can conduct research for 1 credit (CH 171), 2 credits (CH 271),  3 credits (CH 371), or 4 credits (CH 385).  为荣誉, a student must complete at least two semesters of 300-level research or equivalent, submit an honors thesis on the work,  present it to the Department, as well as meet GPA要求. 

During the summer, you can do collaborative research with faculty (10 weeks, typically starting the end of May through the start of August).  在夏天 research, start talking with faculty members in November the year prior in order to have time to apply for funding.  There are competitive internal grants, the 教师 Student Summer Research ProgramSchupf程序, that can cover your room & board along with providing a stipend.  个人能力 may have external grants that provide additional opportunities for summer research. 


Research Opportunities at Other Institutions

Summer Research Opportunities (REU = "Research Experience for Undergraduates")

Typically funding comes from the external institution.  然而, Summer Educational Experiences – Beyond the Campus (SEE-Beyond) is a competitive Skidmore program to fund an external experience. 




During the academic year, you can do an 实习 for credit at either the 200-level (CH 299, 3 credits) or at the 300-level (CH 399, 3 or 6 credits).  夏季实习机会 可以 funded through the company or external institution or Skidmore resources, or 可以 被认为是功劳. For funding please see the Skidmore Summer Funded Internship Awards Program.  此外, Summer Educational Experiences – Beyond the Campus (SEE-Beyond) is a competitive Skidmore program to fund an external experience.