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Skidmore College
Computer Science Department


注意:要 更改密码 or perform other tasks
within Linux, or to learn more about the system,
参观 Linux Lab Home页面.  The page includes
a search you can use to find information about your

Linux Lab User Agreement (PDF)

CS Linux Lab, cis 237

The Linux Lab includes 21 Linux workstations along with an instructor's machine connected to an overhead projector. All workstations are connected to the Linux servers and to the campus network.

The lab machines require a valid username and password to log on. These are not the same as the campus or email names 和密码—the Linux servers form a separate network (although attached to the campus net) and require a different set of usernames 和密码. This information is distributed by instructors or by the Linux Lab 管理员, Lisa Schermerhorn  in CIS 240A.To acquire an account, students must sign the user agreement (see the sidebar at the 右). Download it, sign it, and return to your instructor or to Lisa.

Other CS Linux Machine,  CIS 111, CIS 243, & 342年独联体

There are CS Linux, machines for student use, in the following locations:CIS 111 – Tech Tower of CISCIS 243 – Student Lounge on the 2nd floor of CIS, in the North Wing.342年独联体 – Student Lounge on the 3rd floor of CIS, in the North Wing.

The MCS Linux Lab - Harder Hall 207


注意:要 更改密码 or perform other tasks within Linux, or to learn more about the system, follow the 连结至 Linux Lab Home页面 在右边.  The page includes a "cloud" of 主题s.  Use your mouse to rotate the cloud to the desired 主题 (like "password") and click on it.

The lab was constructed during the summer of 2005 and includes 20 Linux workstations along with an instructor's machine connected to an overhead projector. All workstations are connected to the Linux servers and to the campus network. Students can access their personal folders on Datastor.

The lab machines require a valid username and password to log on. These are not the same as the campus or e-mail names 和密码 - since the Linux servers form a separate network (although attached to the campus net) and require a different set of usernames 和密码. This information is distributed by instructors or by the Linux Lab 管理员, Lisa Schermerhorn (于HH208.

To acquire an account, students must sign the user agreement (see the sidebar at the 右). Download it, sign it, and return to your instructor or to Lisa.

- See more at:网站= dev&path=%2Fmcs%2Fresources%2Fmcslinuxlab.pcf&local=false#sthash.sKaS96sp.dpuf

The MCS Linux Lab - Harder Hall 207


注意:要 更改密码 or perform other tasks within Linux, or to learn more about the system, follow the 连结至 Linux Lab Home页面 在右边.  The page includes a "cloud" of 主题s.  Use your mouse to rotate the cloud to the desired 主题 (like "password") and click on it.

The lab was constructed during the summer of 2005 and includes 20 Linux workstations along with an instructor's machine connected to an overhead projector. All workstations are connected to the Linux servers and to the campus network. Students can access their personal folders on Datastor.

The lab machines require a valid username and password to log on. These are not the same as the campus or e-mail names 和密码 - since the Linux servers form a separate network (although attached to the campus net) and require a different set of usernames 和密码. This information is distributed by instructors or by the Linux Lab 管理员, Lisa Schermerhorn (于HH208.

To acquire an account, students must sign the user agreement (see the sidebar at the 右). Download it, sign it, and return to your instructor or to Lisa.

- See more at:网站= dev&path=%2Fmcs%2Fresources%2Fmcslinuxlab.pcf&local=false#sthash.sKaS96sp.dpuf