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Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs

1997 Project Summary

For summer 1997, there are 9 students and 8 faculty members working on 9 different 项目. One faculty member is involved with multiple 项目.

纪律 项目数量
美国研究 1
Chemistry and Physics 5
政府 1
Philosophy and Religion 1
Physical Education and Dance 1

总: 5 disciplines, 1 math/natural science


Patricia Fehling, Physical Education and Dance
The Bone Mineral Density of Adolescent Female Dancers and its Relationship to other Physiological Variables

Pat Ferraioli, 政府
Contentious Politics in Mohawk Society

Steven Frey, Chemistry and Physics
Eric Tsapovski '98
Synthetic Modeling of Manganese-Containing Superoxide Dismutase

Ray Giguere, Chemistry and Physics
Novel Intramolecular Alder-Bong Reactions

Ray Giguere, Chemistry and Physics
Tommy Jin '98
New Tandem Intramolecular Diels-Alder Reactions

Judy Halstead, Chemistry and Physics
Jessica Edwards '98
A Summer Study of Loughberry Lake: Water Chemistry Parameters of the 萨拉托加温泉市 Drinking Water Supply

Mary Lynn, 美国研究
"Transformation," a chapter in The Illustrated History of Skidmore

Joel Smith, Philosphy and Religion
何塞Donoso. An Annotated Bibliography of Primary and Secondary Sources

Steven Tysoe, Chemistry and Physics
Dieter Schelzig '98
DNA Binding Studies of Ruthenium polypyridylcomplexes in the presence of non-metallic intercalator 药物