


We teach our students to master the core disciplines of the field and to prepare for tomorrow's dynamic global environment with a business education rooted in a strong 文科视角.


As a department within a liberal arts college, our program teaches students to think about business from multiple dimensions, giving insight into the ethical, historical, technological, cultural, creative, ecological, and political forces that have shaped 商业,并受其影响. 通过将我们的课程建立在七个情境的范围内 dimensions (below), we lead our students to master the core disciplines of the field 并为未来充满活力的全球环境做好准备. 在带来跨学科的同时, 文科视角 to the study of business, our program does not sacrifice a firm education in the functional areas of management, marketing, accounting, and 金融. Indeed, we offer business as a context to demonstrate the value of a liberal 艺术教育.


以下是各部门的学习目标 全校学生学习目标.

The learning goals of the 管理及营业部 are set forth in seven dimensions for studying management and business in a liberal arts context and then 专注于七个学习目标.


  1. 管理和商业的历史、哲学和伦理: History, philosophy, and ethics of management and business courses that fulfill this dimension provide an opportunity for students to gain an historical understanding of the field and/or become familiar with the philosophical and ethical underpinnings of business and management as they relate to organizational decision-making. (Ia, IIIa, IIIb, IIIc, IIId, IVa, IVc, IVb)

  2. 媒体、技术、管理和商业创新: Media, technology, and innovation courses that fulfill this dimension provide an opportunity for students to engage with and use technology or to examine the role played by media, technology, and/or innovation in shaping organizations, business world, product design and consumption, customer/employee communication, supply chains, 工作关系等等. (活动花絮, IIc, IIc)

  3. 管理和商业方面的文化和全球意识:Culture and global awareness courses that fulfill this dimension provide an opportunity for students to understand both the cultural dimensions of persons and organizations 以及商业的全球文化背景. (Ia, Ib, IIc, IId, IIIb, IVc)

  4. 管理和商业中的创造力和艺术: Creativity and the arts courses that fulfill this dimension provide an opportunity for students to gain an appreciation for the centrality of creativity and artistic imagination to business, organizations, and entrepreneurship while simultaneously helping students grasp the commercial dimension of artistic production and dissemination. (Ia、活动花絮, IIb, IVa)

  5. Natural environment and sustainability in management and business: Natural environment and sustainability courses that fulfill this dimension provide an opportunity for students to learn about close connections between business organizations and the natural environment, while highlighting issues of sustainability. (Ia、活动花絮, IIb, iid, IVa, IVc)

  6. 管理和商业中的政府和政治: Government and politics courses that fulfill this dimension provide an opportunity for students to gain an in-depth understanding of the complex relationship between businesses, organizations, national governments, and global institutions (e.g., 监管框架和公共政策的影响). (i, b, IIb, Iic, IIIa, IIIb, IIId IVa)

  7. 管理和业务的多样性:
    Courses that fulfill this dimension prepare students to value and manage diversity in organizations by building an awareness of past and current inequities relating to disadvantaged social identity groups, and developing skill sets that assist in 持续包容的工作场所. 


1. 商科及文科

学生 will be able to integrate their academic and experiential learning drawn from the management and the liberal arts curricula, as well as study abroad, community service, and internships, to understand the role of business 企业s in society 以及管理者与社区的关系. (Ia, Ic, IIa, IIb, IIIa, IIIb, IVa, IVb,司长委任试管)

2. 道德

学生 will have learned to discern ethical issues typical of different management 学科和业务环境. 学生将明白接受的重要性 responsibility for their actions as managers and for compliance with relevant ethical, 法律和监管标准. (IIIa, IIIb, IIIc, IIId, IVb, IVc)

3. 多元文化主义

学生 will have developed global and multicultural perspectives on business that involve a sensitivity and an appreciation of how different economic, political and cultural contexts impact and are impacted by managerial policies and practices. (Ia, Ib, Ic, IIa, IIc, IId, IIIb, IIId)

4. 沟通

学生 will have developed competence in written and oral communications that will enable them to become effective in their managerial work and in formal business. (活动花絮, IIb, IIc, IIe, IIc, IVb, IVc)

5. 分析和批判性思维能力

学生 will have sufficient analytic and critical skills to be able to identify the appropriate quantitative and qualitative analyses required to recommend a business strategy taking into account the inherent risks and possibility of unintended consequences. (Ic, IIa, IIb, IIe, IIIc, IIId, IVa, IVb, IVc, IVd)

6. 领导

学生 will be able to integrate and apply knowledge and skills required to be effective as leaders of groups at different organizational levels of business and not-for-profit 企业. (Ic, IIa, IIb, IId, IIe, IIIc, IIIe, IVa, IVb, IVc, IVd)

7. 终身学习

To prepare students committed to the process of lifelong learning and capable of pursuing careers in management, in professions, and in community leadership. (二,二,三, IIIa, IIIc, IVc, IVd)