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Skidmore College
Off-Campus Study & 交流

Comprehensive Fee Structure 

Skidmore’s Commitment to Global Education

火博体育学院,全球教育对学生的学术生涯至关重要. 我们全面看待全球教育,提供各种课程和课外活动 为学生提供的机会,校外学习是中心组成部分. 在校外学习的学生可以享受到各种各样的课程 expanded internship, research and community involvement opportunities; they also engage 以实质性的方式与不同的文化,获得新的视角,并获得重要的 生活技能. On a personal level, many students that have studied off-campus report 这是一次变革性的经历,可以帮助他们培养更大的独立性, adaptability, and capacity to think more broadly and creatively. These are all characteristics 事实证明,在我们的学生驾驭当今复杂、相互关联的世界的过程中,这是无价的.

鉴于校外学习的不可思议的好处,火博体育致力于提供 access to all students. To that end, the Office of Off-Campus Study and 交流 (OCSE)开发了一系列国内和国际校外项目, 代表了各种各样的学科和地理选择,所有这些都有 得到了火博体育学院各院系的认可,并被认为能提高 on-campus curriculum. In this way, off-campus study represents an integrated educational 无论专业或学术领域的兴趣,所有学生都可以获得经验.

Skidmore’s Comprehensive Fee Structure

鉴于火博体育对校外学习价值的信念,我们致力于使 this opportunity available to all students regardless of economic background. 这个 最后,在2005年,学院实施了一项收费结构,允许所有学生进入 off-campus study opportunities. Skidmore students studying on an approved international, 国内或交换项目将收取火博体育综合费用 semester or academic year off campus. The comprehensive fee is equal to Skidmore tuition, 住宿费按校内公寓的价格计算,如果适用的话,还包括伙食费和强制性的大学费用. 获得经济援助的学生可以将他们的援助带到经批准的校外 学习计划,消除了我们许多学生可能面临的任何经济障碍.

火博体育根据质量选择我们批准的校外学习项目 and academic fit; we do not choose programs based on their cost. As a result, Skidmore's comprehensive fee will differ from the fees of the program provider; some programs’ fees are less than the comprehensive fee and some are more. In all cases, students will be charged the Skidmore comprehensive fee. Fees collected under the comprehensive 收费政策是用来支持全球教育倡议,包括 学生在校外学习的费用,需要支持的结构和工作人员 校外学习办公室和项目,为教师提供全球发展机会 员工,课外活动,最重要的是,提供经济援助 to off-campus study for all students. Any surplus fees are absorbed into the College’s general fund and are used to support the college as a whole.

在校外学习的学生将由火博体育的财务处为他们的学期收费 or academic year off-campus utilizing the same process as a semester on-campus. In 反过来,火博体育学院将直接支付校外学习计划提供者.

注意: 校外学习的学生必须得到OCSE的批准,一旦批准,必须遵守 to the comprehensive fee structure outlined here. Skidmore does not allow students 请一学期或一学年的假到校外学习和转学分 back to the college.

Benefits to Comprehensive Fee Structure

自2005年实施以来,我们取得了诸多制度效益 from the comprehensive fee structure for off-campus study.

  • Expanded access to all students regardless of academic or economic needs. 学生 是否能够使用他们的经济援助进行校外学习,允许他们选择 适合他们学术目标的项目,而不是因为项目成本而受到限制. (联系火博体育的财政援助办公室,了解更多火博体育你的具体援助的信息 包.)

  • 将学生的参与率从之前的30%提高到现在的55%. 目前的结构已经成功地确保了整个学院的学生 能否充分利用火博体育提供的所有教育机会.

  • 大大加强了校内外学者之间的联系. 学生可以选择与校内专业和辅修专业相关的课程 the focus to academics rather than tourism. 学生 are now able to fulfill major, 辅修和其他学位要求确保他们按时毕业. 此外,我们在国际化方面也有了长足的进步 the on-campus curriculum and faculty involvement in global initiatives.

  • Significantly improved quality of programs students can access. Due to increased administrative 教师监督,包括对所有校外项目的结构化评估系统 项目,OCSE能够持续监控学术和学生支持结构 of our partner programs and respond accordingly.

  • Enhanced on-campus support structures for off-campus study students. The College is 能够提供所需的工作人员,以确保学生得到越来越多的支持 complicated world. OCSE offers students essential guidance throughout the entire process, 包括项目选择、申请和准备方面的支持、协助 选课、注册和成绩收集,以及健康和危机应对 and management while students are away.

OCSE is here to help.

校外学习现在被视为火博体育学生教育的一个组成部分. 即便如此,我们鼓励学生在校外学习是一个重要的决定 to discuss with their families/guardians.   It is important to consider the academic 以及在校外学习一学期或一学年的经济影响 before you commit to doing so.  

OCSE的工作人员可以回答您的问题和解决您的担忧,请放心 free to call (518) 580-5355, email – ocse@火博体育.edu or schedule an appointment - http://www.火博体育.edu/ocse/advising.php.