
机动车政策:高尔夫球车 & 多功能车

Due to the potential dangers associated with operating a golf carts or utility vehicles (hereafter referred to as utility vehicles) all faculty, staff and students who plan 开车必须:

  1. Persons must apply to become authorized to drive a Skidmore owned, leased or rented utility vehicle, and meet the following requirements:
    meet the MVR criteria outlined in the 汽车政策
    完成 Driver Safety Training and watch the 高尔夫球车 Safety Video.

  2. 实用程序 vehicle operation is governed under New York State Vehicle and Traffic Laws and operators are subject to the rules of the road, including stopping, turning and 安全运行. 实用程序 vehicle operators observed in violation of these rules can be cited by Campus Safety Officers as well as local law enforcement officers.

  3. 多用途车辆 restricted to the confines of Skidmore’s main campus.  实用程序 vehicles can不 be operated on any public roadway, with the exception of crossing North Broadway to access immediately adjacent college owned property.  这样的穿越 shall be made at an angle of approximately 90° degrees to the road.

  4. 多用途车辆 允许驾驶的:
    any covered walkways, or pathways that lead to or end at a covered walkway.
    anywhere on Case Green or within Keyes Quad.
    landscaped or grassy areas (unless it is briefly done to allow pedestrians to pass).
    i.     Vehicles are permitted on the East end of Case Green (Paved walkway and ramp) during major events such as 校友 Weekend.
    ii.     Vehicles are permitted in the prohibited areas for the purpose of providing transportation for an individual requiring access assistance.

  5. 多用途车辆 to be operated at speeds no greater than 20 MPH (or walk speed for those vehicles 不 equipped with speedometers) or slower as safety concerns demand.  Operators should always consider the terrain (such as hills), weather conditions and existing vehicular and pedestrian traffic, which may affect the ability to operate 多用途车辆安全.

  6. 所有 passengers must be in seats designed for such use. 多用途车辆经营者 are 不 allowed to carry any more persons in the vehicle than the vehicle was designed 持有.  Legs must remain inside the vehicle while it is moving.  确保货物安全 或工具装载在多用途车辆.

  7. 实用程序 vehicles must come to a complete stop before any occupant disembarks.

  8. 实用程序 vehicles must be operated safely and with the utmost courtesy, care and consideration 为了行人的福利.  Pedestrians will be given the right-of-way at all times, and operators shall 不 impede nor interfere with normal pedestrian or vehicular traffic flow on sidewalks, ramps or roadways.

  9. 实用程序 vehicle operators are responsible for the security of keys during the time that the utility vehicle is assigned to them.  Any time the utility vehicle is unattended, the ignition will be turned off, key removed from the ignition, and kept in the possession 操作员的.

  10. Cell phone usage while driving a utility vehicle is prohibited.

  11. 实用程序 vehicle operators are 不 permitted to drive while wearing devices that could impede hearing, such as stereo headsets, earplugs, etc.

  12. 多用途车辆经营者 are required to slow down before making turns.  所有 turns shall be executed at reduced speed to avoid accidents.

  13. Before backing up in a utility vehicle, the operator is required to check the area behind the vehicle for pedestrians, vehicles and other hazards.

  14. In the event of an accident or incident involving a utility vehicle contact Campus 马上和你的主管会合.

  15. 多用途车辆 forbidden to be parked:
    Do 不 push cart if it breaks down unless it is in the roadway or pedestrian right 的方式.
    If the utility vehicle breaks down or becomes damaged, report it to your supervisor.

  16. Department level supervisors will ensure that employees under their supervision are aware of these requirements, provide training as necessary, and ensure compliance.

  17. Campus Safety will keep an inventory of laminated maps outlining the areas on campus 禁止使用多用途车辆的地方.  A copy of this map shall be kept in each utility 在校园内行驶的车辆.

  18. Visiting groups using their own utility vehicles and carts on campus will need to 遵守此政策.  OSP will communicate this requirement and provide copies 政策和地图.
